Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Be A Voice For Ayla

Welcome to the new blog.  Since Nina decided to close down her blog I would like to continue her format here.  This blog is not associated with either family and everyone is welcome as long as you remain respectful.  We are all adults and I should not have to babysit.  I'm only on a few times a day so if you see a rude comment please do not respond to it just scroll on by and I will delete it when I get online.  I have kids, grandkids, a disabled mother and husband and a business I run from home so I am very busy but I needed to provide a place that we would all feel comfortable discussing Ayla and the circumstances surrounding her disappearance.  No matter what you believe the fact stands Ayla is missing and needs to be found.  Feel Free to bring over any conversations you may have been having that still need to be discussed.  I am open to guest submissions just email them to and I will post them.  The most important thing to remember is why we are all here, Ayla Bell Reynolds.


  1. Great all bookmarked and happy to see you are open for discussion.

  2. Unpacking my bags and settling in. Thanks LATF.

  3. Replies
    1. No hurry, I know it's moving day, but when you have time to mess with the settings, could you turn of the captcha requirement? It's a PITA on a mobile device. Thanks!!!

    2. My favorite picture <3 Thanks

    3. Looking At The FactsOctober 23, 2013 at 5:14 PM

      as soon as I figure out how

    4. Looking At The FactsOctober 23, 2013 at 5:30 PM

      Did I get it shut off?

    5. Let's see....

      yes :-) thank you!

  4. I am glad to have seen someone take the reins and open a new blog. Like most of you, I have followed this situation from the start when it was on my local news, December 18, 2011. My son is a week older than Ayla and for this reason, it has had a hold of me from the start.

    I rarely comment but do and have read every blog,news story, and Facebook pages (until I got booted from the closed groups) available and believe what many of you do here. We should be able to ask questions as they relate to this child's disappearance, regardless of where it leads without being mocked, berated, made fools of, bullied off a blog, or offline in a personal manner as some have disclosed occurred to them.

    From the first time I saw Trista on the news, something felt off to me and I told my husband I was confident she had something to do with her disappearance. As I am sure you recognize, it is for this reason I limit my commenting. I readily admit my "gut" could be off and the paternal family are the guilty parties. I also admit there have been several occasions over the last two years where I have waivered in what I think occurred, only to waiver subsequently in the other direction.

    This situation is perplexing. I continue to hold onto Ayla being alive. I am sure I may be called naive, stupid, ignorant, what-have-you. I will hold onto this until I have facts detailed by law enforcement where I then have no choice but to accept what I cannot at this point in time.

    1. Anon - I am so glad you commented - I too have gone back and forth with who done it - and the only thing that holds steady is that I believe she is alive. It is nice to be able to see other people and chat with them that think the same way you do. Without being casted as a fool with a warm fuzzy pillow and rosey glasses.

    2. Looking At The FactsOctober 23, 2013 at 5:22 PM

      Feel free to comment Anon. No name calling here.

      From the first time I saw Trista on the news, something felt off to me and I told my husband I was confident she had something to do with her disappearance. As I am sure you recognize, it is for this reason I limit my commenting. I readily admit my "gut" could be off and the paternal family are the guilty parties. I also admit there have been several occasions over the last two years where I have waivered in what I think occurred, only to waiver subsequently in the other direction.

      You must be in my head

    3. You're in my head as well. Welcome!

  5. Yes thank you LATF.

    I call the bean bag chair! mine mine mine

    Back to business - Just watched the news and nobody from the family's wanted to make a statement on camera -

  6. Thank you so much Looking.
    I'll be visiting VERY often.

  7. LATF - You've got mail!

  8. oh duh I just noticed it was posted on the other page

  9. The post the taking of Ayla Reynolds is up at J4A and U4A

  10. Best of luck with the blog LATF. There can't be too many voices for Ayla. I was encouraged by the fact that the LE is still looking at all leads they get, even if nothing is found. Perhaps those who know something will see that they can call and give information and LE will pay attention. Thank you for opening another place where people can speak out for Ayla.

  11. I've packed my bags and I'm here....I'm staying as long as this forum is here and doesn't become a 3 ring circus of trolls and family members...I know you will do you best LATF!!! Since the evidence reveal I have tried to steer away from the other blogs because I'm so sick of seeing people berated and ripped apart for believing Ayla's alive and asking hard probing questions...when Nina made her announcement I felt defeated...I didn't want to wade back through shark infested waters again....I can't stand ankle biting trolls when LATF announced this new blog, I broke out into cartwheels (in my head of course, I'd seriously hurt myself if I did for real) and furiously packed my bags to get over here before the popcorn was popped and the movie starts....Thank you LATF!!!!


  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Yeah, that is what we's a game..Jerk. Piss off.

    2. Good Lord... if anyone thinks this case is a game, it's the highly imaginative people playing out their gruesome pretend scenarios making astonishing claims as fact putting possibly innocent people in danger. I'm amused by trolls and mostly sit here befuddled by the venomous attacks of people such as you. It is not a crime or injustice to believe Ayla is alive and find comradery with like minded individuals who have banded together to discuss and support. If you can't handle analogies, metaphors, friendship, civility and words with more than two syllables there are other places to read. Good day!

    3. Haha, AFA!

      Much better stated than my "piss off."


  13. Shame on me? You are so righteous you can't even see your own hypocrisy.

    So..Yeah....piss off.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Soooooo bean bags not mine?

    1. We will have to wrestle for it Judy....


    2. wow i read that all wrong - i thought you were going to wrestle it FOR ME not from me!

      at work - read fast - reply wrong - lol

  16. Anon @ 10:17pm - Its people like you that hurt Ayla - by trying to make people stop talking about her -

    You have some serious grandiose issues - Your not here for Ayla - it looks like you are using her so you can promote what a great person you are.

    Stay on the blog that better suits you. This is not it.

  17. So Judy at 4:10am, self righitous who? Attack mode? Grandiose ideas? You and Jeff are total opposites. Night and Day! Your words tell it all. Dispicable!

    1. A - I dont go to any blogs and attack them. I just stay put where i feel i can discuss things in an adult manner. It doesnt bother me that Jeff and I are night and day? Is that supposed to be bad?

  18. This site isn't for Ayla. It is to run and cause havoc on other blogs. To tear others apart. It is not for dear Ayla. What if this was your child? Your blood. You believe Ayla is alive. God, I hope so too. But instead of the anger at others, why don't you talk about Ayla only and tell everyone why you believe what you believe. Simple. Easy. I would love to hear more about little Ayla. Ayla who? Stop the blog wars. Let's talk about Ayla Bell.

    1. anonymous from maineOctober 24, 2013 at 8:39 AM

      Then why go to a blog that you don't agree with? If its obvious you don't agree with what's been written why the continuous need to make it go away? Just don't visit said blog. Stop trying to make the people that don't agree with your way of thinking go away. All these blogs are for AYLA. Not you, not me, not anyone else but AYLA and all the questions for BOTH families are for Ayla. Some blogs choose to focus on the paternal family and this one happens to choose both families to question. If you don't like it feel free to leave and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    2. Well put Anon from Maine!!!


    3. Agreed - very nice AFM!

      I feel like it doesnt bother me anymore what they say...whoohoo its a good feeling.

    4. Sure you feel good, Judy. You got the bean bag chair. :::pouts:::


    5. Oh wait, I should've read before speaking! It appears the outcome has not yet been decided. Hmmm...interesting :-)

    6. Here's an idea. Highlight your post, copy it, then paste it over at United for Ayla.

      And if it's sooooo horrible here, no one's forcing you to stay.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Good idea Missy. (I laugh every time I see that comment!)


  19. A2 - your hilarious! And FYI - I have the bean bag!!! All the bad Anons can kiss my grits!

    I am willing to share with you when Im not on it though :-)

    1. Ok, Ok I guess we can all share the bean bag in each others absence...


  20. I am more confused now then ever with all this released info :-P

    But i am still in a good mood because they didnt find Ayla yesterday.

    1. wait rephrase - they didnt find Ayla dead yesterday

    2. I'm more confused, too, Judy. I vented my questions over at Nina's place this morning. I have more but, hey, you know my caffeine issues :-)

      Mostly though, I'm questioning why Ayla's case is being run like a really trashy political campaign. All of the spin doctors, talking points, divide and conquer, scorched earth...WTF does any of it have to do with a missing child?

    3. Dana, can you elaborate? How do you think money is involved in the way Ayla's case is being handled? And to which people handling it? This gives me another thought depending on your view...

    4. A2 - LOL - yes I know all about the caffeine ! I saw your post but couldnt respond the blog was shut down. Same feelings here - so many things said differently - what is the fact ? Is it a fact because a reporter wrote the story? She said Trista filed for custody and the next day Justin reported her missing. That is not the same as the timeline - it was a two day difference on the posted timeline.

      That kind of information could be easily confirmed. If its a matter of record. So which is it? ugh

    5. Dana, I didn't want to say it, but since you put it out there... :-)

    6. In order to get the state to move on anything it has to be about what it will cost their department. The lawsuit is why I think this is being released now, The Maine Attorney General’s Office prosecutes all homicides in Maine. The AG’s office also represents the Maine Department of Health and Human Services and defends and represents the state and its agencies in civil actions

    7. I really think everything being done is to pressure the AG office into an arrest. I don't think anyone thinks money will ease the pain of Ayla being missing. Just the threat of a lawsuit may cause some movement in the prosecution of the case.JMO

    8. I guess I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are you saying a lawsuit is being threatened to force the AG to prosecute or that the AG isn't prosecuting because it could bring a lawsuit?

    9. I think we did a cross post :) thank you for clarifying.

    10. Yes to change things inside DHHS the way cases are handled and to force an arrest and prosecution.

    11. I don't know that with what's been presented to us so far, that Trista has a case against the state. I'm not just blowing smoke when I say that I don't see any laws broken. Even with just a few quotes from their "records" in this new article, I can't find anything damning. I would love to see the entirety of these records. Somehow, I don't think they really want to proceed with a lawsuit. That would mean laying out all of the transgressions dhhs was documenting concerning Trista and her children. Trista really needs to think through these actions before pursuing them or allowing others to convince her to go through with them.

    12. Sorry, Dana. That dog won't hunt.

      The intent to file was over a year ago.

    13. She may not, but if the threat of a lawsuit with this release of info about people in DHHS, can cause them to make an arrest. Then the lawsuit may disappear.

    14. See how far behind I am no wonder my wife doesn't listen to me.I didn't realize I thought it was just since the Justin chase in Portland.

    15. Blackmail? Classy

      I'm not buying.

    16. A2, I believe there was an intent filed within the last few weeks. It was on a blog. I think j4a.

    17. BDN Reynolds filed her notice in June 2012.

    18. There was an article, October 9, 2013 in the bdn about Trista keeping the option open to file suit against the state.

    19. Yes, the notice was filed June 2012. I don't know anything about a notice recently filed. Did I miss it somewhere?

    20. IDK I read the one in BDN and just took it that it was recently. When I re read it I saw the date a year ago.

    21. Okay, Dana. I get it now. I thought I was losing it for a minute :-)

      So yeah, anyway, with the intent to file made over a year ago, I can't fathom how it would have anything to do with pressuring anyone. The threat of a lawsuit has been there for 16 months. From what I'm reading, prosecuting Justin would make the lawsuit move forward, not cause it to disappear.

    22. I just read it again also. It was filed a year ago but is good for two years. Coincidence that this article came out following the recent court case between Trista and dhhs concerning Ray and her big evidence release? I feel like someone is strategizing. What the heck is going on???

    23. I didn't see anything about it being good for two years, but it doesn't matter. Why is it coming out now? I agree, AFA. I think it has everything to do with the recent DHHS issues concerning Ray, which don't have a damn thing to do with Ayla.

      By the way, regardless of any part DHHS played in placing Ayla with Justin, I'm pretty sure any liability concerning her death would be negated by Trista entering into a subsequent agreement with Justin.

    24. I think maybe you two are correct, thanks for helping me understand.
      :< )

    25. I don't really see Trista winning a case against DHHS.

      I think we're seeing these reports now because Trista has gained access to the reports just recently.

      Stratagy? I'd say so. Who made, and why, was a claim made about little Ray and possible abuse?

      If I had to guess and that's all I can do, I'd say that this information concerning DHHS, ...considering what has been to aid in the "Press For Prosecution" attempt.
      At well over a month there is only 2100 signatures on a petition, and no further media attention.
      Perhaps it is thought that this will fuel the fire to push the AAG.

    26. You may be right, A1, but are they really that naive? 2500 signatures on an online petition, a good portion of which aren't even from the state of Maine or even the United States, for that matter...that is supposed to cause the AAG to ignore years of trial experience and press charges?

    27. No prob, Dana :-) btw-you made an excellent point about Phoebe's possible motivations over on j4a. Kudos!

    28. I am glad you could see the point anon doesn't. I do feel that way about this whole mess. There was probably a lot of good intentions and one person made it all go wrong.

    29. The problem with commenting over there is that most are not willing to take into consideration what is being said. I feel like a broken record. It seems as though everything I say is met with a "but Trista said or a that's not fair" type of reply. There are no answers :(

  21. I caught part of Dr Phil yesterday very sad.
    A Mother's Grief
    Nearly three years ago, Lauren says she received a call from her 2-year-old daughter, Lily's, father, telling her there had been an accident, and she needed to get to the hospital immediately. By the time Lauren arrived at the hospital, Lily had passed away. In the end, a jury found that her death was not an accident, and convicted Lily's stepmother, Renee King, of felony murder, child abuse in the first degree and criminal sexual conduct in the first degree. Renee received a life sentence.

    Lauren still blames herself for her daughters passing because she feels she didn't protect her daughter the way a mom should.

  22. On behalf of Trista Reynolds, Portland Attorney Brian Hansen has filed under the Maine Tort Claims Act notice of a potential suit against the State of Maine, the Maine Department of Human Services, Governor Paul LePage and DHHS CommissionerThe lawsuit is currently on hold pending some resolution in the case

    I wonder what they are waiting on??? Resolution as in a deal? Or resolution as in finding Ayla?

    1. I would say they don't have a case if they don't have a conviction. How can they prove dhhs put Ayla in danger if they can't prove Justin harmed her. A conviction would prove that Justin harmed her. The AG has made it clear this case isn't headed for trial just because Trista says so.

    2. Looking At The FactsOctober 24, 2013 at 3:43 PM

      Why on Earth would they sue the Governor? Am I missing something?

    3. LATF-as chief executive officer of the state, he'd be part and parcel of a lawsuit of this type

    4. Judy, AFA is correct.. but in response to the AG reference...

      There was a show of force this Wednesday's as LE searched on a tip received months ago.. and even a press conference stating Ayla was not found afterwards..

    5. Just as they've conducted searches out of state. Jeff, I clarified my question for you on j4a. Do you think you could take another look, please?

    6. Although, I'm thrilled with any search and press for Ayla :)

    7. Ohhhhhhhhhh ok thanks Jeff

  23. Ahhh well that makes sense - thank you AFA

  24. A 2,
    Good point. I'm not that naïve, nor are many others. Certainly they aren't either.
    So what's the deal with the whole PFP?
    Well...besides trying to pressure someone into revealing something they may know.

    1. oops, this is suppose to be upthread.

  25. I don't think Jeff knows what to say to me... I wish someone could answer or would answer my question.

    1. I'm struggling with your point as well. Jessica reported to DHHS on Nov. 14 that Trista took Ayla to her PCP who referred her to Maine Orthopedics at 11 am. Only problem is, the ER records show that the hospital is the one who referred Ayla to the specialist. Either Jessica lied to CPS, or someone lied to Jessica.

    2. Jeff is now clearing up the inconsistencies over at j4a. Much of the article is false information.

    3. So Jeff changed it from Trista taking Ayla to her PCP, which is clearly what Jessica said, to Trista "contacting" the doctor. Right. Well I guess that clears it up. That's not fishy at all.

    4. On the one hand Jessica is competent to care for Ayla in Trista's absence, but by Nov. 14 she was getting wrong a detail told her that very day. Only Trista could have told what the PCP or the specialist said, Jessica didn't attend the appointments. Once again, it's another example of other misunderstanding what Trista said.

      Unless Jeff is saying Jessica lied to CPS. Incorrect is a little vague to me.

    5. No matter how you slice it, Jessica's claims against Justin todhhs were false. If they also reported the leg injury early on, which we also know was cleared by the Dr, dhhs might have been starting to feel as though Jessica was making claims dishonestly and begun to disregard her.

    6. Who was feeding her those lies?

    7. I think Jessica was conveying the facts as she understood them. A misunderstanding does not make someone incompetent. It wouldn't even make sense for her to lie about what you're claiming she lied about. Ayla was referred to an orthopedic doctor. Does it matter, at that time, which doctor referred her there? Jeff stated that Trista spoke with Ayla's primary doctor, who also referred Ayla to the same orthopedic doctor. If Trista told Jessica that Ayla's primary doctor referred Ayla, it could make sense that Jessica assumed Ayla saw the doctor.

      That is what Jessica told DHHS. Heck, DHHS could have misunderstood. It was up to DHHS to look into the matter, if they saw the need. I don't think that a misunderstanding would be considered a lie, as it is not. I highly doubt DHHS would consider that a lie.

      If misunderstanding something proves incompetency in regards to caring for a child, I wonder if there are any competent parents out there.

      Jeff is trying to be honest, and clear up anything that needs clearing, yet that's not good enough either. He could remain silent, or not bother clearing up anything, or he could not bother answering questions. Would that be better?

    8. Stop. You are making my sides hurt.

    9. The issue for me is not if Jessica reported misinformation to DHHS concerning the arm break.
      It is whether or not DHHS acted inappropriately concerning that complaint.
      I don't think they did.
      Any doctor noticing something suspicious about an arm break HAS to notify DHHS promptly.
      There was no log of a doctor reporting any suspicions about Ayla's arm break, or that this was an uncommon break for a 19 month old.

      So no need to investigate further.

    10. Grace, you jokester you, you're making my sides hurt :)

  26. anonymous from maineOctober 25, 2013 at 6:28 AM

    Poor Reynolds family, surrounded by inept LE and reporters who twist what they are told. Puhleeze! Why is this family continuously putting information out that needs clarifying or fixing? They really are NOT helping there cause!

    1. AFM, you're right, they are not helping their cause. I wish they'd listen.

    2. At least they are putting information out. That keeps Ayla's name out there. Remember Ayla, she is the beautiful little girl that ended up missing while in her father's care. Remember her father? He's the one that hasn't spoken for his beautiful daughter. He's the one people should be trying to get answers out of. But, thats right, Justin is keeping his mouth shut hoping no one will ever find that beautiful baby. As a mom, if my child ended up missing I think I would have a hard time remember everything under the sun, I think that I would have a hard time looking at every single mistake I ever made in life being thrown out for the whole world to see. By questioning all this non important things you are taking the focus off the people who should be forced to answer questions truthfully and stop playing games. This is a baby, this is no game. Keeping quiet shows their guilt, running away shows their guilt.

    3. Actually, there have been more than 25 media statements or appearances from the paternal side of the family. 16 of them from Justin. That is hardly keeping quiet. Most of you didn't want to hear what he had to say and immediately discounted it so why do you care? What could he possibly say that you would believe? If he doesn't know the answer, he can't tell us. There is the possibility that he's already said what he knows. You can't get blood from a turnip. Trista, by her own accounts and those of her family, left her baby with an alleged abuser. Don't you want to know why?

    4. AFA get over yourself. Trista did not know that the father of her child was capable of making her disappear. Trista hoped with all hope that she and the Dip could be a family. You can't knock her for being in love.

    5. AFA could you refer me to the 16 statements or appearances that Justin has made. Or direct me to where I can find them. I saw his first on TV and maybe one other one.

    6. 16 Statements in 2 years, I find that disgusting! This is his baby!

    7. You can't knock her for being in love.
      Maybe AFA won't, but I sure as hell can. All these claims of Ayla being abused, dirty, and're going to sit there and say it's okay for Trista to ignore all of that because of her little-girl, fairy-tale dreams of becoming a family? It's okay for Trista to place her own emotional needs before the safety of her child? Sick

    8. Yes, I can refer you. They are all on the internet for anyone who would like to enlighten themselves. Between YouTube and online newspaper archives you should be able to find then easily :)

    9. Trista didn't believe Justin was abusing Ayla at first, Ayla was barely seeing her father at the beginning of her life.

      I I disagree that Justin has spoken out 16 times. He must be exhasted from all that.

    10. Maybe you should do a post on the times Justin has spoken out and just what he said.

    11. Maybe you should just fire up a google search if you're truly interested in what Justin has had to say. I'm not going to argue with you about it. I wanted to know when he spoke and what he had to say. I did a search and commenced to reading and watching. I have done the same concerning Trista.

  27. So, basically this "article" is all hearsay that some reporter "manufactured" based on incorrect information, for what reason? Why publish it if it's not correct?


    1. It was designed to be as damning as possible.

      Notice there is nothing about what the agreement between Trista and Justin actually was-just something about Justin being okay with Jessica having Ayla for the weekend.

      There is nothing about the team meeting-except something about Jessica keeping Ayla until that happened and that DHHS had been too busy to schedule it.

      Something is missing.

    2. A2-it really makes no sense why you would release something that is "manufactured" or hearsay that directly contradicts your own timeline...or at least no logical sense.....makes those of us with questions or those on the fence really believe that the Reynolds are more involved than they are letting GRP would say "something is just not right here"


    3. You're damned right something's not right.

      The "timeline" was allegedly created for any upcoming custody case. Ayla was missing, and they were prepping for a custody case.

      Here we are, after all these months, Ayla is still missing and what are they doing? Still prepping for a custody case.

    4. There's no custody case without a child. Who would plan for a custody case of a child they insist is dead?

    5. (I just read yesterday evening, and got unpacked. A 2 and Judy, I brought some Starbucks coffee, help yourself, and anyone else) to it!)

      Something I’ve always found strange was the comment about the timeline made by Cynthia (from Lost and Missing). She was told they (Trista and family) were keeping track of everything that happened to Ayla while with Justin. Jeff, typed it up on an internet page, so in case something happened to his commuter they could still retrieve it. But, he didn’t see the box to check if you don’t want the public to see it. That’s how, and why, the timeline became public!

      If your keeping track of something, especially for a lawsuit, don’t you write the date and time, who you spoke with, etc.? The timeline is vague…sometime the end of September, etc. They didn’t even know when Ayla broke her arm.

      Why was this told to Cynthia, why would she have reason to lie?

      But…I believe the “timeline” says (or it use to) it is compiled by what Trista, Jessica, and Becca remember? (Something to that effect.) Sound familiar?

      So, why was this “timeline” hastily put together after Ayla disappeared? Why was it allowed to be found by the public? Jeff is not computer illiterate!

      Again, we’re back on the custody issue! SMH


    6. Why shouldn't Trista prepare for a custody case? This question, of why would they be preparing for a custody case, coming from people who believe Ayla is still alive, doesn't make sense. Actually, I don't know how the law works in regards to custody, if the child is missing, but if possible, she should follow through and be awarded "legal custody", so that if Ayla is found alive, she would be returned to Trista. And if Ayla is found not alive, Trista should be awarded "custody", so that she can bury her daughter.

  28. We have plenty of room in this thread until LATF gets back.

    1. Thanks A 2, was just writing up my comment! It's about the timeline!!!

      From “The Taking of Ayla Reynolds”
      “The aunt told the officer to watch Ayla’s reaction when she saw her father. “I then had Dipietro come to the apartment door,” documented the officer. “I noted that upon seeing her father, Ayla immediately broke down crying and attempted to flee the kitchen. I was able to pick the child up and hand her over to her father as she continued to cry uncontrollably.”

      Why is this just now being said?

      From the “Timeline”:
      October 17th 2011, 7pm - Lewiston Police and Justin (who waited downstairs) arrived at Jessica's apartment and demanded on behalf of DHHS that they turn Ayla over to them. After Ayla was turned over to Justin by the police, it was revealed to Jessica (via phone) that the CPS supervisor had given the police authorization (and Jessica's address) to retrieve Ayla. Ayla was kicking and screaming when turned over to Justin. While that may qualify as ‘without incident’ on a police log it was traumatic for everyone else involved.

      Update to the timeline: Justin was in the apartment when the officer handed Ayla over to him; his mom Phoebe waited in
      the car - and Ayla tried to bite the officer as he was handing her over to Justin. After Justin and Phoebe left with Ayla, the officer stated to Becky that: "if he had his way, he would not have let Ayla go with Justin".

      The officer “was able to pick the child up and hand her over to her father as she continued to cry uncontrollably.” What happened to her trying to bite him?

      The Lewiston police are portrayed differently in the timeline than in the article be Terrilynn.


    2. Good idea A2...hope others find their way here. Otherwise you and I are going to be our own closed group!

    3. This is what I don't get, GRP.

      If Jessica had only met Justin once before, how would she know how Ayla would react to seeing Justin? How would Jessica know that Ayla was "terrified of him."

      Was Ayla coached? Or did the incident never go down as described?

      Why hasn't the responding Lewistown police officer been identified?

    4. There is a news story out there where a neighbor of Jessica's said that police had to threaten to enter by force before she would answer. I don't have time to find it right now because I'm going out for the day.

      As an aside, if this hits 200 before LATF returns, lets agree to meet at the next post up and plan from there. I hope everyone finds us!

    5. Exactly mckeekitty! Jeff says the police report will be a later date.

      (I'm changing subjects here!) LE has not arrested anyone yet, why? They are keeping it close to the vest, they're doing this and that to catch Justin. I still think things are not always as they appear! Trista seems to be on the defense now.

      What's really going on behind the the scene?


    6. I'm out for the day, but it looks like Missy set up a fall back spot if we need it.

      If you all disappear before I get back, please leave me a breadcrumb trail!

  29. According to the rumor mill, Phoebe and Karen Small may be related via marriage or good friends. So why this from Terrilyn:

    Then Small records that Phoebe informs her "she works for the Maine Revenue Service..."

    She also tells Small she lives in Waterville with her daughter and granddaughter and that Justin lives in Portland, but that he has told Phoebe he's willing to move to Waterville.

    If Karen and Phoebe are good friends and/or related, wouldn't Small ALREADY know where Phoebe works and lives?

    1. You would think so, right!

      I had missed this, "When paternal grandmother Phoebe Dipietro, and not Justin, contacted Small on October 17, she said she was on her way to Portland to “pick Justin up and then they are going to pick Ayla up.”" (Don't you love the way this stuff is worded.)

      Wasn't this story different at one time?

      "During that conversation, wrote Small, Phoebe “acknowledged that her son has not gone to court to establish his parental rights but they are going to be getting a lawyer and he will be going to court to do so."

      What!!! Wasn't there a paternity test done in the summer? Wasn't Justin paying child support, along with back payments? Why was he being allowed visits with Ayla, you know, when he always brought her back with bruises, pulled muscle, etc.

      I remember where the neighbor of Jessica's said the police would use force, if Jessica didn't open the door.

      BTW, I don't want to waste any posts! Where is the place Missy set up?


    2. Here's Missy's new site:

      Can you do me a favor, GRP? If and when you post at Missy's site, could you ask her to please add "Name/URL" on her "select profile" options? I tried to post on her new site, but I couldn't because I can only use the "Name/URL" option.

      I have no idea why Justin had to establish his parental rights in court, GRP. He never signed off on his parental rights when paternity was established. So why would he have to go to court?

    3. I'll go check it out, thanks. Be back shortly!


    4. I can’t post either! There is no “Anon” listed as an option. Guess I need to get an e-mail address that works! Stay here and keep in touch mckekitty!!!

      Missy…I hope you are still reading here!

      Hell, I can’t get this comment to publish! I’m going to try again.


  30. mckeekitty, I just posted a message from us on the "Custody Issues" blog. I can't see it, but it posted. Hang tight :)

    We'll get there, but hell, what happened to Looking! It's not like her, she gives us an extra page when we aren't near 200 comments, on Tuesday she's working on a blog.

    She has a plate full, and very stressful at that! I just hope she, and her family are all right!


    1. I can see your comment now to Missy on the "Custody Issues" thread. Thanks, GRP! Goodness...posting has become a nightmare these past 24 hours!'s hoping you are doing okay. We're concerned...

    2. I just tried posting again on the new site. I selected a profile, and it knew me! Scary!!! Anyway, I can post there now and have let Missy know your problem!

      Watch... it will come up as GRP.

    3. Hey, I'll stay here wiyh you while you are in limbo!!!

      What about the comment by Terrilynn: "On behalf of Trista Reynolds, Portland Attorney Brian Hansen has filed under the Maine Tort Claims Act notice of a potential suit against the State of Maine, the Maine Department of Human Services, Governor Paul LePage and DHHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew. The lawsuit is currently on hold pending some resolution in the case."

      They are suing the whole state! What is holding them back..."The lawsuit is currently on hold pending some resolution in the case."

      What...arresting Justin? Makes no sense.

      Keep checking with Missy's site, as I will, to see when you can post there! I'm going to get you a special bean bag chair!!!

      Damn, I keep wanting to add GRP at the end!

    4. Saw it! Thanks, are a good messenger pigeon!

      I see many holes in Terrilyn's account. As I do in "Ayla's Timeline." Both are unofficial accounts. Ditto with Yahoo news contributors.

      All I read is a shitload of hearsay.

    5. Thanks, I try to fly right!!!

      Is this all about Trista going to court over the "scrape" on Raymond's face.

      Something else is going on here. Why are we, now, just hearing about all of this. Terrilynn is no more a "journalist" than Jeff, or CBG, or (I forgot her name!), Yahoo news though.

    6. Actually, I should of said, something more is going on. I believe there is a lot more involvement with Trista by DHHS than we are being told. And now her focus is suing DHHS? WTH, I don't know what to think about anything they are releasing.

  31. I posted at Missy's site this morning. I guess we are moving there for now?

    How do we direct everyone to find us?

    :::confused and just looking for a place to park:::

    Hope everything is okay, LATF.
